2010 Tasmanian Open and
Tasmanian Lightning Championships
Class One Yulgilbar-Think Big Australian Chess Grand Prix event
Hosted by Burnie Chess Club for the TCA
VENUE: Havenview Primary School
FORMAT: 6 round Swiss 90 mins + 15 secs/move
ROUNDS START: Saturday 12th June 10:30 am, 2:30 pm, 6:45 pm.
Sunday 13th June 9:30 am, 1:45 pm,
Monday 14th June 9:00 am
ENTRY FEES: $55 waged, $50 conc, $30 U18, $25 U12, $5 discount if received by 28th May. Entries on day close 10:00 am (subject to room and equipment). If considering entering on day, please let us know.
PRIZES: 1st c. 40%, 2nd c. 20%, 3rd, U1700, U1400 c. 10% of prize pool, U18 prize $70, U12 prize $50 (subject to at least three entries per division). Prize pool is entry fees less running costs and levies.
ARBITERS: To be appointed.
ENQUIRIES: David Hughes david.gareth.hughes@gmail.com 03 6423 5669 Mob: 0433 062 200
Lightning Championships: Sunday 13th June, 7:00 pm entries close at 6:45 pm. $10 entry.
Address: Phone: Email (optional):
DOB if under 18:
Tick here if you would like your entry acknowledged by email: ____
Please detach this form and post it with payment to:
Neville Ledger, PO Box 837, Burnie, Tas, 7320.Cheques and money orders to be made payable to Burnie Chess Club.
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