Sunday, April 4, 2010

2010 Tasmanian Rapid Chess Series

Tournament 1 Hobart
Hosted by the Hobart International Junior Chess Club for the TCA

This series of 3 tournaments was introduced in 2009 to encourage competition between adult and junior players. Each of the zones, South, North and North West will host a tournament throughout the year.

Date : April 17th 1pm – 7pm
Venue : Princes Street Primary School, Randall St, Sandy Bay.
Format : 5 rounds. 25 minutes + 5 seconds per move.
Cost : $30 Adults, $25 Concession, $15 Juniors.
Prizes : to be determined on the day. Prizes will include Open, u18, u12 and girls divisions, subject to at least three entries per division

All games will be rapid rated.
Entries will be taken on the day by 12.30pm.

Enquiries : Nigel Frame Ph 042183052

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