Alastair won his first BCC Allegro with 15.5 points with one loss to Nigel, a draw and 15 wins! Nigel had his best tournament of 2009 as desperately unlucky not to finish in the medals. A win against an out of form Carey on the last night was all that was needed. Carey didn't oblige and Nigel was lucky to force a draw in losing position with 3x repetition.
As usual, the final night of Allegro (quick play 15 minutes/player) produced its run of escapologists and could have beens! Kevin was winner on the board against Neville who managed a perpetual check with seconds remaining. Sewer Rat (David) traded off all pawns to leave Neville to check mate him with Knight and Bishop in 3 minutes- DRAW!! Kevin losing 5 pawns down, boxed his king in and tried to give his rook away for a draw against Russell, but missed once to narrowly lose on time. David missed an in between move on a sacrifice against Russell to lose a piece and later an exchange to be looking sad until Russell traded a Rook for a pawn to everyone's amazement. Some scrambling form Russell scored a draw. Dylan got caught up worrying time away about possible attack and wen into a pawn and bishop ending without enough time to get checkmate after queening.
Meanwhile Reg was using his wisdom to quietly move through the field.
Final draft standings from 17 games - David hopefully will update.
Alastair 15.5, Vincent 14, Reg 13, Nigel 12.5, Russell 11.5.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
5 way tie for Launceston Rapid
Tony D, Marcus B, Alastair D, Kevin B and surprise packet Owen S shared first prize in round 3 of the Tas rapid Series. Plenty of juniors took part 14 and 10 oldies. Three of the top five were juniors! Not surprising given they usually love quick play against the grey brigade.
The 3 event series for U18 juniors was won by Marcus B, second went to Lawrence (?) and third to Alastair D. U12 mason C first, Lenard 2nd.
Highlights of the event were the addition of new players from Launceston and some extra juniors.
The 3 event series for U18 juniors was won by Marcus B, second went to Lawrence (?) and third to Alastair D. U12 mason C first, Lenard 2nd.
Highlights of the event were the addition of new players from Launceston and some extra juniors.
World Chess Federation - FIDE
World Chess Federation - FIDE: "7.4a.If during a game it is found that an illegal move, including failing to meet the requirements of the promotion of a pawn or capturing the opponent’s king, has been completed, the position immediately before the irregularity shall be reinstated. If the position immediately before the irregularity cannot be determined the game shall continue from the last identifiable position prior to the irregularity. The clocks shall be adjusted according to Article 6.13. The Articles 4.3 and 4.6 apply to the move replacing the illegal move. The game shall then continue from this re-instated position.
b.After the action taken under Article 7.4.a, for the first two illegal moves by a player the arbiter shall give two minutes extra time to his opponent in each instance; for a third illegal move by the same player, the arbiter shall declare the game lost by this player. However, the game is drawn if the position is such that the opponent cannot checkmate the player’s king by any possible series of legal moves."
b.After the action taken under Article 7.4.a, for the first two illegal moves by a player the arbiter shall give two minutes extra time to his opponent in each instance; for a third illegal move by the same player, the arbiter shall declare the game lost by this player. However, the game is drawn if the position is such that the opponent cannot checkmate the player’s king by any possible series of legal moves."
World Chess Federation - FIDE
World Chess Federation - FIDE: "A player may stop the clocks only in order to seek the arbiter’s assistance, for example when promotion has taken place and the piece required is not available.
c.The arbiter shall decide when the game is to be restarted in either case.
d.If a player stops the clocks in order to seek the arbiter’s assistance, the arbiter shall determine if the player had any valid reason for doing so. If it is obvious that the player had no valid reason for stopping the clocks, the player shall be penalised according to Article 13.4.
6.13If an irregularity occurs and/or the pieces have to be restored to a previous position, the arbiter shall use his best judgement to determine the times to be shown on the clocks. He shall also, if necessary, adjust the clock’s move counter."
c.The arbiter shall decide when the game is to be restarted in either case.
d.If a player stops the clocks in order to seek the arbiter’s assistance, the arbiter shall determine if the player had any valid reason for doing so. If it is obvious that the player had no valid reason for stopping the clocks, the player shall be penalised according to Article 13.4.
6.13If an irregularity occurs and/or the pieces have to be restored to a previous position, the arbiter shall use his best judgement to determine the times to be shown on the clocks. He shall also, if necessary, adjust the clock’s move counter."
World Chess Federation - FIDE
World Chess Federation - FIDE: "During the game each player, having made his move on the chessboard, shall stop his own clock and start his opponent’s clock. A player must always be allowed to stop hisclock. His move is not considered to have been completed until he has done so, unless the move that was made ends the game. (See the Articles 5.1.a, 5.2.a, 5.2.b, 5.2.c and 9.6)
The time between making the move on the chessboard and stopping his own clock and starting his opponent‘s clock is regarded as part of the time allotted to the player.
b.A player must stop his clock with the same hand as that with which he made his move. It is forbidden for a player to keep his finger on the button or to ‘hover’ over it.
c.The players must handle the chess clock properly. It is forbidden to punch it forcibly, to pick it up or to knock it over. Improper clock handling shall be penalised in accordance with Article 13.4."
The time between making the move on the chessboard and stopping his own clock and starting his opponent‘s clock is regarded as part of the time allotted to the player.
b.A player must stop his clock with the same hand as that with which he made his move. It is forbidden for a player to keep his finger on the button or to ‘hover’ over it.
c.The players must handle the chess clock properly. It is forbidden to punch it forcibly, to pick it up or to knock it over. Improper clock handling shall be penalised in accordance with Article 13.4."
World Chess Federation - FIDE
World Chess Federation - FIDE: "A player forfeits his right to a claim against his opponent’s violation of Article 4 once he deliberately touches a piece."
Mitchell stuns older players
Mitchell managed three wins from his four games against Carey, Dylan and Neville!
Vincent was a piece up in a time scramble with Phil and called out illegal move but didn't know the rules! On the second illegal move he paused the clock and none of us were too clear on the exact rule. See FIDE notes located here.
More fun this week. Gemma away.
Vincent was a piece up in a time scramble with Phil and called out illegal move but didn't know the rules! On the second illegal move he paused the clock and none of us were too clear on the exact rule. See FIDE notes located here.
More fun this week. Gemma away.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Alastair's Allegro Hunt Begins
Alastair has won each of the BCC's regular events except the Allegro. He had a great start Wednesday night with 4 wins against some of the top players in the field Vincent, Phil and Reg. This event is a round robin with 18 players and continues for the next 3 weeks.
What are the favourite TV shows of old chess players? The Eagle, Unit 1, Spiral...
Early Bird entry closes at the end of the month for Australian Junior Championships - 81 players have currently entered.
Saturday 28 Nov is the event in the Rapid Series: Launceston 11-5pm.
What are the favourite TV shows of old chess players? The Eagle, Unit 1, Spiral...
Early Bird entry closes at the end of the month for Australian Junior Championships - 81 players have currently entered.
Saturday 28 Nov is the event in the Rapid Series: Launceston 11-5pm.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Picket Fence in Burnie Lightning
Vincent scored a remarkable and possible record 11 straight wins with a bit of luck and some manners. At least four opponents were better over the board at some stage in their games against him but he was able to move quickly, recover time, pressure and score a few wins on illegal moves. Against Russell he won a quick exchange, then lost to a neat tactic, went into a lost endgame with 20 seconds/13 secs and the pressure saw Russell move into check. Against Phil he lost a piece, won it back, won an exchange before Phil also moved illegally. For those opponents where he thought they had outplayed him he generously apologised, "Sorry about that."
Other games also saw a comedy of unusual errors: Neville's Super Bishop; Gemma claiming a win on time after her clock had flagged; Russell thinking he had checkmate and claiming an incorrect win; Andrew upsetting/outplaying many; Dragan unable to manage the time; Mitchell playing his best tournament; Dragan missing a free queen...
Phil vs Vincent
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cd 4. Nd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Be3 e5 7. Nb3 Be7 8. Be2 o-o 9. o-o b5 10. f4 Be6 11. f5 Ba3 12. ab3 Nc6 13. Qd2 b4 14. Nd5 Nxe4 15. Nxe7+ Qxe7 16. Qd5 Nf6?? (Nd4 = 17. Bxd4 Nf6 18. Qf3 exd4 19. Bxa6) 17. Qxc6 Rfc8 18. Qb6? (18. Rxa6!! +-) Nd5 19. Qa5 Nxe3 20. Rfc1 Qa7 21. Bxa6 Nxc2+ (here white didn't notice teh discovered check and moved his queen to d5 automatically losing and black also has forced mate 21... Nd1+ 22. Kh1 Nf2+ 23. Kg1 Nh3+ 24. Kh1 Qg1 25 Rxg1 Nf2#
Scores 11 games Vincent 11, Phil 8.5, Andrew 7.5, Nigel 7, Dylan 7, Russell 6.5, Kevin 6.5, reg 6, Carey 6, Neville 5.5, David 5, Mitchell 5, Dragan 4, Anthony 2, Gemma 1.5, Zen 1, Lenard 1.
Next week Allegro - no late entries
Other games also saw a comedy of unusual errors: Neville's Super Bishop; Gemma claiming a win on time after her clock had flagged; Russell thinking he had checkmate and claiming an incorrect win; Andrew upsetting/outplaying many; Dragan unable to manage the time; Mitchell playing his best tournament; Dragan missing a free queen...
Phil vs Vincent
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cd 4. Nd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Be3 e5 7. Nb3 Be7 8. Be2 o-o 9. o-o b5 10. f4 Be6 11. f5 Ba3 12. ab3 Nc6 13. Qd2 b4 14. Nd5 Nxe4 15. Nxe7+ Qxe7 16. Qd5 Nf6?? (Nd4 = 17. Bxd4 Nf6 18. Qf3 exd4 19. Bxa6) 17. Qxc6 Rfc8 18. Qb6? (18. Rxa6!! +-) Nd5 19. Qa5 Nxe3 20. Rfc1 Qa7 21. Bxa6 Nxc2+ (here white didn't notice teh discovered check and moved his queen to d5 automatically losing and black also has forced mate 21... Nd1+ 22. Kh1 Nf2+ 23. Kg1 Nh3+ 24. Kh1 Qg1 25 Rxg1 Nf2#
Scores 11 games Vincent 11, Phil 8.5, Andrew 7.5, Nigel 7, Dylan 7, Russell 6.5, Kevin 6.5, reg 6, Carey 6, Neville 5.5, David 5, Mitchell 5, Dragan 4, Anthony 2, Gemma 1.5, Zen 1, Lenard 1.
Next week Allegro - no late entries
Sunday, November 8, 2009
BCC Lightning Tournament - Nov 11
BCC Allegro - Nov 18. Entries on the night. Continues for Nov 25, Dec 2, Dec 9 and Dec 16 if needed.
Launceston Rapid Nov 28 - new date
Chess Camp - Fri Dec 11 - Sun Dec 13, $50, Lea Scout Camp
BCC Allegro - Nov 18. Entries on the night. Continues for Nov 25, Dec 2, Dec 9 and Dec 16 if needed.
Launceston Rapid Nov 28 - new date
Chess Camp - Fri Dec 11 - Sun Dec 13, $50, Lea Scout Camp
Burnie holds Fischer Chess
Burnie Chess Club held a Fischer Random tournament lats week. Queens and bishops in the corners dominated four of the five positions selected. In most games players struggled to build a centre. The value of pieces was vastly different as it was difficult to get some into action early and trade downs were sometimes better especially with 10 minute time controls. Reg took out 3rd with 3.5/5, while David and Russell tied for first with 4/5. There were plenty of Bronze medals given out for 3/5.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Robert Isted Finished
Due to absences teh tournaments were drawn out, however the final game in the RI Champs, between father and son (Russell vsVincent) was an important medal decider! A win by myself would earn a bronze under the BCC rules - give out as many medals as possible! It would also ensure Phil and Vincent joint first place and David second. I approached the game with plenty of optimism, knowing the opening lines which woudl be followed. For 35 moves I was better and Vincent was on the receiving end. Slowly the tide turned, black pieces gained better placement and a mire of tactics emerged for both sides. Here I fell foul and all it took was the loss of a tempi. Vincent 1st 8.5, Phil 2nd 7.5 and David 3rd 7.
The reserves were marred by absenteeism but Anthony 1st, Mitchell 2nd and Cohen 3rd.
BCC Calendar
October 28 Wed Wisdom vs Youth. Wisdom captain is David and Youth Captain is Kevin H. 3 games against different opponents: 20 +10; 15'; 5'. Can Wisdom hold the trophy?
Lesson by Vincent at 6:45pm.
November 4th Chess 960 or Fischer Random. 5 games at 10' Swiss
November 11, 18, 25 and ? BCC Allegro Championships 15 round Swiss or RR at 15'.
Blog is back old and recent news
After a few busy weeks with work, chess and running I have some catch up news. See below for Burnie Shines, Robert Isted - BCC, BCC Calendar, Tas Junior
Burnie Shines - Weekender Yuglibar(?) and Think Big Grand Prix Today.

Burnie Shines - Weekender Yuglibar(?) and Think Big Grand Prix Today.
A small field of 20 contested the 6 round event with David H capably performing DOP and struggling to beat players over 1900 but still giving tehm a run for their money! Top seed Tony D went undefeated with 4 wins and two draws to tie for first with Alastair D. Marcus B was going well on day 1 with his opponents losing games for him inlcuidng second seed Kevin B. Jackson J returned to competitive chess and scored an early upset over Dallas F. Mason C gave the "Oh no" look and I walked straight into a free pawn lose a piece tactic. Dragan R also returned with typical unorthodx gritiness to have 3.5 on day 1. Mason notched up a solid Q, R, and 5p end-game win over Phil. Vincent H played a fun attack against Peter L's Sicilian to be 2 R vs K & B and then Peter's pawns started to roll! Tactics from both players saw a 65 move marathon swing both ways before the last tactic gave Vincent 3 points to finish Day 1.

On Day 2 the oldest competitor, Dragan, played Mason (64 years junior) and after a lot of holding on, and pawn blockages, Dragan was unable to stem the tsunami. Tony S played an entertaining Grob and caused me a lot of trouble to vindicate his most improved rating listing. Tony D outplayed Vincent and drew with Kevin to finish equal first. Alastair and Marcus played out a lot of exchanges into a draw.
1st Alastair D and Tony D 5/6
1st Alastair D and Tony D 5/6
3rd and U12 Mason C 4.5/6
U1700 Russell H 4/6; U1400 Carey K
U18 Marcus B; 2nd U18 Vincent H and Lawrence B.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Go Gemma & Game for History
It was wonderful to have so many people playing this evening.
Gemma played well to score two wins as black against Cohen and as White against Anthony. Cohen redeemed himself with a win over Mitchell to reverse the results of earlier games between the pair.
Game for History Vincent (possible leader) and David (leader on paper) entertaining game. "Vincent's game with David Hughes was quite simply hair raising. Can you imagine a position where both players seemed to have and seemed to NEED a draw by perpetual check. Vincent allowed this by responding immediately and his 11 seconds left turned into a fat comfortable two minutes. Almost beyond belief David checked Vincent's King so far across the chessboard that Vincent's King played a vital role when David was subsequently checkmated. So, short of time Vincent quite rightly stopped recording his moves... I found as a spectator that the game was so exciting and so unusual that I would like to include it in my next "Chess - Tasmanian Records"... David...was a most gracious loser" said Neville.
Neville v. Andrew according to Neville, "I made a complete mess of the opening but somehow got equality later and we were both happy with my offer of a draw. "
Phil was pleased the rub went his way after being in so many winning positions and g/drawing he was in a worse position but managed a win over Russell. Russell effectively changed plans to remove Phil's good bishop and won a pawn, then mixed up a tactic to be even, but squandered valuable time working out a the end game.
Peter beat Nigel.
Charlie has withdrawn.
See last week's post for the draw.
Meanwhile Juniors are off to Hobart for the Tas Jnr Championships.
Gemma played well to score two wins as black against Cohen and as White against Anthony. Cohen redeemed himself with a win over Mitchell to reverse the results of earlier games between the pair.
Game for History Vincent (possible leader) and David (leader on paper) entertaining game. "Vincent's game with David Hughes was quite simply hair raising. Can you imagine a position where both players seemed to have and seemed to NEED a draw by perpetual check. Vincent allowed this by responding immediately and his 11 seconds left turned into a fat comfortable two minutes. Almost beyond belief David checked Vincent's King so far across the chessboard that Vincent's King played a vital role when David was subsequently checkmated. So, short of time Vincent quite rightly stopped recording his moves... I found as a spectator that the game was so exciting and so unusual that I would like to include it in my next "Chess - Tasmanian Records"... David...was a most gracious loser" said Neville.
Neville v. Andrew according to Neville, "I made a complete mess of the opening but somehow got equality later and we were both happy with my offer of a draw. "
Phil was pleased the rub went his way after being in so many winning positions and g/drawing he was in a worse position but managed a win over Russell. Russell effectively changed plans to remove Phil's good bishop and won a pawn, then mixed up a tactic to be even, but squandered valuable time working out a the end game.
Peter beat Nigel.
Charlie has withdrawn.
See last week's post for the draw.
Meanwhile Juniors are off to Hobart for the Tas Jnr Championships.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Late news for Robert Isted
David continued his form with an impressive win against Carey. Dylan finished his tournament with a win over Andrew. Neville wasn't sure of his rook sacrifice and went in all or nothing to score a perpetual check and half a point against Phil. Russell spent too much time looking at a possible kingside attack before going into an endgame, impossibly low on time against Reg's solid endgame. Vincent had Nigel tied down and walked a pawn to High St. Kevin defeated Charlie in another good attacking game.
Lenard defeated Zen, Anthony df Lenard, Anthony df Cohen.
Draw for last few weeks
Oct 7 Andrew vs Neville; Vincent vs David; Russell vs Phil; Charlie vs Reg; Nigel vs Peter
Oct 14 Charlie vs Carey; Reg vs Vincent; Phil vs Andrew; Peter vs David
Oct 21 Kevin vs Andrew; Charlie vs Nigel; Russell vs Vincent
Oct 28 Youth vs Wisdom
Gemma vs Mitchell; Cohen vs Mitchell; Gemma vs Anthony;
Mitchell vs Cohen; Anthony vs Mitchell; Anthony vs Gemma
Mitchell vs Anthony; Cohen vs Gemma
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Kevin shows style
In round 8 of the Lindsay Atkinson, Kevin showed his form against Neville's Caro Kann. Neville had done some preparation but was faced with imaginative play by Kevin and found himself completely outplayed. Neville said he has no intention of playing the Caro Kann again!
Carey had the better over his son, Dylan, but couldn't battle time pressure and agreed to a draw with a few minutes remaining. Afterwards dad was shown the mate he missed and how to stop the pawns he feared.
Phil played solidly against an ambitious Vincent in the King's Indian. Phil launched two surprises - h4 and a queen side castle - leaving Vincent exposed on his kingside and underdeveloped. Vincent was able to reorganise and launch a mating attack but just needed one more move. Phil stopped this with his own mating attack and won the game.
David shot to the lead with another win (7/9), this time against Andrew who gave away a knight on move 10 and later another piece - too easy!
Charlie was at a memorial dinner and unavailable.
Sadly the reserves were depleted through homework and illness and no tournament games were played.
Zen, Lenard, Russell, Nigel, Peter and Mitchell played some fun games.
Next week:
Vincent vs Nigel; Andrew vs Dylan; Phil vs Neville; Russell vs Reg; David vs Carey; Kevin vs Charlie
Reserves multiple games!
Carey had the better over his son, Dylan, but couldn't battle time pressure and agreed to a draw with a few minutes remaining. Afterwards dad was shown the mate he missed and how to stop the pawns he feared.
Phil played solidly against an ambitious Vincent in the King's Indian. Phil launched two surprises - h4 and a queen side castle - leaving Vincent exposed on his kingside and underdeveloped. Vincent was able to reorganise and launch a mating attack but just needed one more move. Phil stopped this with his own mating attack and won the game.
David shot to the lead with another win (7/9), this time against Andrew who gave away a knight on move 10 and later another piece - too easy!
Charlie was at a memorial dinner and unavailable.
Sadly the reserves were depleted through homework and illness and no tournament games were played.
Zen, Lenard, Russell, Nigel, Peter and Mitchell played some fun games.
Next week:
Vincent vs Nigel; Andrew vs Dylan; Phil vs Neville; Russell vs Reg; David vs Carey; Kevin vs Charlie
Reserves multiple games!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
NW Junior Chess Championships
Conducted by Russell Horton for TCA.
Sunday October 4, 12 -5pm,
Ulverstone Primary School, $10/player
Medals for winner and runner up U8, U10, U12, U14, U16 and U18 - Boys and Girls
Players can qualify to play in the Tasmanian Junior Championships October 10 and 11 in Hobart.
Prizes for interesting games – recording moves encouraged but not required.
Games will be played in separate divisions if sufficient entries (e.g. U10 boys, combined U8, U10 and U12 girls).
Entries: Please send name and D.O.B to or 11:30 on the day.
Sunday October 4, 12 -5pm,
Ulverstone Primary School, $10/player
Medals for winner and runner up U8, U10, U12, U14, U16 and U18 - Boys and Girls
Players can qualify to play in the Tasmanian Junior Championships October 10 and 11 in Hobart.
Prizes for interesting games – recording moves encouraged but not required.
Games will be played in separate divisions if sufficient entries (e.g. U10 boys, combined U8, U10 and U12 girls).
Entries: Please send name and D.O.B to or 11:30 on the day.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Leaders slug it out
David and Phil played a tough even game and finished with a draw in a rook ending to share the lead in the Robert Isted.
Russell walked into a trap against Nigel and spent 30 minutes extracting his king to safety and getting his pieces out. Despite a huge time deficit a passed pawn and an attack on f2 helped Russell over the line.
Carey saw too much! The knight sacrifice looked good but he saw a line of defence but in later analysis Andrew missed this and Carey would have secured a brilliant attacking win. Nevertheless points went to Carey.
Dylan secured a win over Kevin.
In the Reserves - Gemma couldn't defend after dropping a piece against Anthony but secured a draw with Cohen. Anthony df Cohen.
Next Week
Dylan vs Charlie; Kevin vs Neville; Andrew vs David; Phil vs Vincent
Gemma vs Anthony; Mitchell vs Cohen; Anthony vs Mitchell; Cohen vs Gemma
Missing game yet to play from previously published list: Russell vs Phil
Russell walked into a trap against Nigel and spent 30 minutes extracting his king to safety and getting his pieces out. Despite a huge time deficit a passed pawn and an attack on f2 helped Russell over the line.
Carey saw too much! The knight sacrifice looked good but he saw a line of defence but in later analysis Andrew missed this and Carey would have secured a brilliant attacking win. Nevertheless points went to Carey.
Dylan secured a win over Kevin.
In the Reserves - Gemma couldn't defend after dropping a piece against Anthony but secured a draw with Cohen. Anthony df Cohen.
Next Week
Dylan vs Charlie; Kevin vs Neville; Andrew vs David; Phil vs Vincent
Gemma vs Anthony; Mitchell vs Cohen; Anthony vs Mitchell; Cohen vs Gemma
Missing game yet to play from previously published list: Russell vs Phil
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Nigel storming home in Robert Isted
After a slow start Nigel is storming home by scoring another win last week. This time over tournament leader David Hughes! Dylan has been showing some form but Neville scored the point. Kevin defeated Carey. A number of players were absent and the draw is looking pretty loose.
Draw for 16th is Neville vs Charlie; Dylan vs Carey; David vs Phil; Kevin vs Andrew; Nigel vs Russell.
All players in reserves to play. Reg and Vincent away this week.
Progress scores to date (Points/games):
Charlie 1/4; Neville 1.5/7; Carey 2/7; Kevin 2/7; Andrew 3/6; Dylan 4/8; Nigle 4.5/8; Reg 4.5/8; Vincent 4.5/6; Phil 4.5/6; Russell 5/7; David 5.5/7.
Reserves: Mitchell is the current leader with 3 points, with Cohen and Anthony on 2 and Gemma trailing. These scores have been affected by the withdrawal (?) of Ashton and are tentative.
Draw for 16th is Neville vs Charlie; Dylan vs Carey; David vs Phil; Kevin vs Andrew; Nigel vs Russell.
All players in reserves to play. Reg and Vincent away this week.
Progress scores to date (Points/games):
Charlie 1/4; Neville 1.5/7; Carey 2/7; Kevin 2/7; Andrew 3/6; Dylan 4/8; Nigle 4.5/8; Reg 4.5/8; Vincent 4.5/6; Phil 4.5/6; Russell 5/7; David 5.5/7.
Reserves: Mitchell is the current leader with 3 points, with Cohen and Anthony on 2 and Gemma trailing. These scores have been affected by the withdrawal (?) of Ashton and are tentative.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Remaining games in Robert Isted and Reserves
See the remaining games in the comments
See cross tables inteh comments
See cross tables inteh comments
Friday, September 4, 2009
David hits the lead
Round 8 RI
David has 5.5 out 6 games and is the only undefeated player in the tournament. He rose to this status after an interesting game against Russell. Both players were far to cautious in playing the Najdorf and after some trading Russell fell to some simple tactics in time pressure.
Vincent and Kevin played the game of the night with some long combinations and tactics - a win to Vincent.
Phil sacked a piece but Nigel found the defence to emerge victorious.
Dylan confirmed his rating rise with a win over Reg.
Carey beat Neville.
Anthony defeated Cohen and Mitchell won a seesawing game over Anthony.
The REVISED new draw for next week is:
Next week Andrew, Vincent, Russell, Mitchell and Anthony are away.
Phil vs Neville David vs Carey Charlie vs Kevin
Gemma vs Cohen
Chesskids tournament packed!
114 players contested regional final today at West Ulverstone Primary. WUPS won the primary section and UHS won the secondary on countback from St Brendan's Shaw College. Several schools weren't able to enter due to the full field.
I have the medals to give away at NW Junior Championships
U8, U10, U12, U14, U16 and U18 Boys and girls.
Be ready for Sunday, October 4th 12-4:30 pm. Entries on the day.
Junior Coaching at Ulverstone Primary School
with Russell 28 Sept, 5 Oct - 3:30-5pm
David has 5.5 out 6 games and is the only undefeated player in the tournament. He rose to this status after an interesting game against Russell. Both players were far to cautious in playing the Najdorf and after some trading Russell fell to some simple tactics in time pressure.
Vincent and Kevin played the game of the night with some long combinations and tactics - a win to Vincent.
Phil sacked a piece but Nigel found the defence to emerge victorious.
Dylan confirmed his rating rise with a win over Reg.
Carey beat Neville.
Anthony defeated Cohen and Mitchell won a seesawing game over Anthony.
The REVISED new draw for next week is:
Next week Andrew, Vincent, Russell, Mitchell and Anthony are away.
Phil vs Neville David vs Carey Charlie vs Kevin
Gemma vs Cohen
Chesskids tournament packed!
114 players contested regional final today at West Ulverstone Primary. WUPS won the primary section and UHS won the secondary on countback from St Brendan's Shaw College. Several schools weren't able to enter due to the full field.
I have the medals to give away at NW Junior Championships
U8, U10, U12, U14, U16 and U18 Boys and girls.
Be ready for Sunday, October 4th 12-4:30 pm. Entries on the day.
Junior Coaching at Ulverstone Primary School
with Russell 28 Sept, 5 Oct - 3:30-5pm
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Robert Isted round 7
Last week Neville entertained us with his short coaching and history session before play commenced. It wasn't as exciting this week as we adopted an interim code of conduct to set the foundation for a fair and enjoyable playing environment.
Reg summed up his win over Carey, "You won it and then you lost it." Despite and early two pawn advantage Carey got low on time and let Reg in the door.
Charlie played solidly against Phil to enter an even (!?) endgame with a rook each and 4/5 pawns. Charlie couldn't find a way to hold it and resigned at the stare of defeat.
Vincent faced an agressive f5 from Dylan and some early tactics lost their sting for both players when Queens left for lunch - even draw. Kevin was struggling to against Russell, when the latter suffered a case of planning a line and forgetting - quite serious as the queen was quickly shut in by Kevin. Despite a rook down play continued and Russell's horses ran well - Kevin was unlucky. Nigel a piece and a 7th rank pawn down found a way of drawing which only had one way out. Look for all checks and captures!
Round 8 - 2 September 2009
1 Vincent Horton : Kevin Hendrey 2 Philip W Donnelly : Andrew Fifield
3 Reg Harvey : Dylan Kuzmic 4 R Neville Ledger : Carey Kuzmic
5 Charlie Smith : Nigel Lewis 6 David Hughes : Russell Horton
Reserves - game against all comers
Reg summed up his win over Carey, "You won it and then you lost it." Despite and early two pawn advantage Carey got low on time and let Reg in the door.
Charlie played solidly against Phil to enter an even (!?) endgame with a rook each and 4/5 pawns. Charlie couldn't find a way to hold it and resigned at the stare of defeat.
Vincent faced an agressive f5 from Dylan and some early tactics lost their sting for both players when Queens left for lunch - even draw. Kevin was struggling to against Russell, when the latter suffered a case of planning a line and forgetting - quite serious as the queen was quickly shut in by Kevin. Despite a rook down play continued and Russell's horses ran well - Kevin was unlucky. Nigel a piece and a 7th rank pawn down found a way of drawing which only had one way out. Look for all checks and captures!
Round 8 - 2 September 2009
1 Vincent Horton : Kevin Hendrey 2 Philip W Donnelly : Andrew Fifield
3 Reg Harvey : Dylan Kuzmic 4 R Neville Ledger : Carey Kuzmic
5 Charlie Smith : Nigel Lewis 6 David Hughes : Russell Horton
Reserves - game against all comers
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Robert Isted Week 5 and 6
A little behind but we have two weeks of news.
This week Nigel finally got back on the winners trail defeating much improved and in form Kevin. Vincent quickly showed his knowledge of English attack and wasn't troubled by Andrew's queen side pawns. David confirmed his spot a sleadre with a win over Charlie. Phil defeated Dylan during the middle game. Neville had Reg "wrapped up like a box of chocolates" with a crushing attack it seemed - but stoic defence by Reg and a late blunder by Neville saw Reg emerge from the endgame victorious. Mitchell showed the ebnefit of slower play and accounted for Gemma.
Round 5 saw Carey 0 : 1 Phil; Dylan = : = David (a boring game accoridng to Dylan) ; Charlie Smith 1 : 0 Vincent Horton (dropped rook); Andrew Fifield 0 : 1 Russell Horton; Reg Harvey 1 : 0 Nigel Lewis;
Kevin Hendrey : R Neville Ledger (need to check my files).
This week Nigel finally got back on the winners trail defeating much improved and in form Kevin. Vincent quickly showed his knowledge of English attack and wasn't troubled by Andrew's queen side pawns. David confirmed his spot a sleadre with a win over Charlie. Phil defeated Dylan during the middle game. Neville had Reg "wrapped up like a box of chocolates" with a crushing attack it seemed - but stoic defence by Reg and a late blunder by Neville saw Reg emerge from the endgame victorious. Mitchell showed the ebnefit of slower play and accounted for Gemma.
Round 5 saw Carey 0 : 1 Phil; Dylan = : = David (a boring game accoridng to Dylan) ; Charlie Smith 1 : 0 Vincent Horton (dropped rook); Andrew Fifield 0 : 1 Russell Horton; Reg Harvey 1 : 0 Nigel Lewis;
Kevin Hendrey : R Neville Ledger (need to check my files).
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Robert Isted Week 4
Flu wiped out 4 players from Wednesday and soem last minute arrangemnts were made. "Never say draw" (Reg) was left with little choice in his game against Phil. Phil held a supported passed pawn but could do little with his king held at bay by Reg's rook and passed pawn. Draw.
Charlie (King's Indian Defence) sacked a bishop for a promising attack against Russell who was expecting the raking bishop on g7 would pick up the loose c3 knight. This lapse made defecne easy and a win to Russell.
Andrew kept his good form with a win over Nigel.
In the Reserves there was only one game with Mitchell dominating before panicking aginst Cohen's two passed pawns. Mitchell chose to swap and simplify and lost his advantage and the game.
Charlie (King's Indian Defence) sacked a bishop for a promising attack against Russell who was expecting the raking bishop on g7 would pick up the loose c3 knight. This lapse made defecne easy and a win to Russell.
Andrew kept his good form with a win over Nigel.
In the Reserves there was only one game with Mitchell dominating before panicking aginst Cohen's two passed pawns. Mitchell chose to swap and simplify and lost his advantage and the game.
Robert Isted Draw
Burnie Chess Club 2009 Robert Isted Tournament 60’ +10”
The draw will be updated and juggled as we proceed. Draft draws for the entire tournament can be obtained by emailing me.
Round 5 - 12 August 2009
1 Carey Kuzmic : Philip W Donnelly
2 Dylan Kuzmic : David Hughes
3 Charlie Smith : Vincent Horton
4 Andrew Fifield : Russell Horton
5 Reg Harvey : Nigel Lewis
6 Kevin Hendrey : R Neville Ledger
Round 6 - 19 August 2009
1 Nigel Lewis : Kevin Hendrey
2 Russell Horton : BYE
3 Vincent Horton : Andrew Fifield
4 David Hughes : Charlie Smith
5 Philip W Donnelly : Dylan Kuzmic
6 BYE : Carey Kuzmic
7 R Neville Ledger : Reg Harvey
Round 7 - 26 August 2009
1 Carey Kuzmic : Reg Harvey
2 Charlie Smith : Philip W Donnelly
3 Andrew Fifield : David Hughes
4 Vincent Horton : Dylan Kuzmic
5 Kevin Hendrey : Russell Horton
6 Nigel Lewis : R Neville Ledger
Round 8 - 2 September 2009
1 Vincent Horton : Kevin Hendrey
2 Philip W Donnelly : Andrew Fifield
3 Reg Harvey : Dylan Kuzmic
4 R Neville Ledger : Carey Kuzmic
5 Charlie Smith : Nigel Lewis
6 David Hughes : Russell Horton
Round 9 - 9 September 2009
1 Dylan Kuzmic : R Neville Ledger
2 Charlie Smith : Reg Harvey
3 Philip W Donnelly : Vincent Horton
4 Kevin Hendrey 0:1 David Hughes
5 Nigel Lewis : Russell Horton
6 Carey Kuzmic : Andrew Fifield
The draw will be updated and juggled as we proceed. Draft draws for the entire tournament can be obtained by emailing me.
Round 5 - 12 August 2009
1 Carey Kuzmic : Philip W Donnelly
2 Dylan Kuzmic : David Hughes
3 Charlie Smith : Vincent Horton
4 Andrew Fifield : Russell Horton
5 Reg Harvey : Nigel Lewis
6 Kevin Hendrey : R Neville Ledger
Round 6 - 19 August 2009
1 Nigel Lewis : Kevin Hendrey
2 Russell Horton : BYE
3 Vincent Horton : Andrew Fifield
4 David Hughes : Charlie Smith
5 Philip W Donnelly : Dylan Kuzmic
6 BYE : Carey Kuzmic
7 R Neville Ledger : Reg Harvey
Round 7 - 26 August 2009
1 Carey Kuzmic : Reg Harvey
2 Charlie Smith : Philip W Donnelly
3 Andrew Fifield : David Hughes
4 Vincent Horton : Dylan Kuzmic
5 Kevin Hendrey : Russell Horton
6 Nigel Lewis : R Neville Ledger
Round 8 - 2 September 2009
1 Vincent Horton : Kevin Hendrey
2 Philip W Donnelly : Andrew Fifield
3 Reg Harvey : Dylan Kuzmic
4 R Neville Ledger : Carey Kuzmic
5 Charlie Smith : Nigel Lewis
6 David Hughes : Russell Horton
Round 9 - 9 September 2009
1 Dylan Kuzmic : R Neville Ledger
2 Charlie Smith : Reg Harvey
3 Philip W Donnelly : Vincent Horton
4 Kevin Hendrey 0:1 David Hughes
5 Nigel Lewis : Russell Horton
6 Carey Kuzmic : Andrew Fifield
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
NW Junior Chess Championships

Junior Chess Club on Monday nights from 4pm – 5:30 pm at UPS for the last 3 weeks of August 17, 24,31.
NW Individual Chess Championships
October 4, $10/player, Ulverstone Primary 12 -5pm.
Medals U8, U10, U12, U14, U16 and U18 - Boys and Girls
Entries: or at 11:30 on the day.
Other events:
· Tasmanian Junior Championships October 10 and 11 in Hobart
Hobart, Jan 14-25, 2010.
NW Individual Chess Championships
October 4, $10/player, Ulverstone Primary 12 -5pm.
Medals U8, U10, U12, U14, U16 and U18 - Boys and Girls
Entries: or at 11:30 on the day.
Other events:
· Tasmanian Junior Championships October 10 and 11 in Hobart
Hobart, Jan 14-25, 2010.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Robert Isted Week 3
Robert Isted
David is playing well it seems (dft Neville!) but I have no idea how the game went as Dylan had me thinking overtime. The first 12 moves for both of us took 40 minutes in a most unusual opening with a lot of tension continuing throughout the game. After fighting off an attack and being optimistic, a series of unexpected and unplanned forks by Dylan gave him the game. Vincent and Carey played another unusual game with Vincent scoring the exchange but giving Cary equality with a strong battery on the long diagonal. Vincent pieces were gradually forced to the backline before he broke free and did the same to Carey. Normality returned and the resulting end game was much easier for Vincent. Reg defeated Andrew, Phil defeated Kevin and Ashton defeated Cohen.
This week
Nigel vs Andrew; Russell vs Charlie; Vincent vs Dylan; David vs Carey; Phil vs Neville; Kevin and Reg have byes although at this stage Carey is looking doubtful due to illness. I will ring and update players with byes if necessary. All reserves division players please attend.
David is playing well it seems (dft Neville!) but I have no idea how the game went as Dylan had me thinking overtime. The first 12 moves for both of us took 40 minutes in a most unusual opening with a lot of tension continuing throughout the game. After fighting off an attack and being optimistic, a series of unexpected and unplanned forks by Dylan gave him the game. Vincent and Carey played another unusual game with Vincent scoring the exchange but giving Cary equality with a strong battery on the long diagonal. Vincent pieces were gradually forced to the backline before he broke free and did the same to Carey. Normality returned and the resulting end game was much easier for Vincent. Reg defeated Andrew, Phil defeated Kevin and Ashton defeated Cohen.
This week
Nigel vs Andrew; Russell vs Charlie; Vincent vs Dylan; David vs Carey; Phil vs Neville; Kevin and Reg have byes although at this stage Carey is looking doubtful due to illness. I will ring and update players with byes if necessary. All reserves division players please attend.
Tas Rapid Series 2 at Ulverstone

Tasmanian Rapid Series 2.
An interesting cross section of players was attracted to the Ulverstone event. Juniors playing sport missed the event but players from Hobart, St Mary’s, Launceston and the NW made a field of 22. Alastair Dyer was stop seed and went through untroubled and undefeated to finish on five from five. Two other juniors secured equal second, Kevin Hendrey and Lawrence Bretag, with their improved play rewarded. Overall the play was dominated by juniors with Carey Kuzmic, equal 4th, the only adult in the first six. New players, Kimberley and Peter Tongue (juniors), Lenard Lange (J), Jesse Howard and Zen Zero enjoyed the day of their first open tournament. The final event of the Rapid Series will be in Launceston on November 21.
An interesting cross section of players was attracted to the Ulverstone event. Juniors playing sport missed the event but players from Hobart, St Mary’s, Launceston and the NW made a field of 22. Alastair Dyer was stop seed and went through untroubled and undefeated to finish on five from five. Two other juniors secured equal second, Kevin Hendrey and Lawrence Bretag, with their improved play rewarded. Overall the play was dominated by juniors with Carey Kuzmic, equal 4th, the only adult in the first six. New players, Kimberley and Peter Tongue (juniors), Lenard Lange (J), Jesse Howard and Zen Zero enjoyed the day of their first open tournament. The final event of the Rapid Series will be in Launceston on November 21.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Week 2 Roberts Isted
Andrew Fifield was on fire in Round 2.
Lindsay Atkinson Round 2! White won all games!! Despite giving up a piece early, Andrew regrouped and went on to win against his highly rated opponent and caused the biggest upset of the new tournament. Peter blames too much 5 minute chess for his poor play!
Welcome to new junior player Liam who played his first competition game against Gemma in the Reserves (0-1). Mitchell surprised with a win over Anthony.
In A Grade, Carey banked that Russell would play d4 and he was prepared with a few lines but chose different to his intention. White had comfortable play and black suffered poor development and restricted play. A Police interruption caused Carey to lose concentration and drop a piece and the game.
Neville prepared the Najdorf against Vincent who quickly seized the initiative and a few pawns followed before Neville resigned.
Dylan was on a high after beating Dragan last week, but the chess gods weren’t with him and Nigel scored a comfortable win.
David and Reg played an interesting game. David looked to have a badly blocked bishop and Reg looked to have counter play on the kingside. When I next looked back David has a might pawn on 7th rank and Reg had lost material and any semblance of attack (1-0).
Dragan and Fred have withdrawn.
Next week: Neville vs David; Carey vs Vincent; Dylan vs Russell; Reg vs Andrew; Peter vs Kevin; byes Nigel, Alastair, Charlie.
Reserves: determined on the night – all players attend.
Rapid on Saturday at Ulverstone Primary School enter by 10:45.
Lindsay Atkinson Round 2! White won all games!! Despite giving up a piece early, Andrew regrouped and went on to win against his highly rated opponent and caused the biggest upset of the new tournament. Peter blames too much 5 minute chess for his poor play!
Welcome to new junior player Liam who played his first competition game against Gemma in the Reserves (0-1). Mitchell surprised with a win over Anthony.
In A Grade, Carey banked that Russell would play d4 and he was prepared with a few lines but chose different to his intention. White had comfortable play and black suffered poor development and restricted play. A Police interruption caused Carey to lose concentration and drop a piece and the game.
Neville prepared the Najdorf against Vincent who quickly seized the initiative and a few pawns followed before Neville resigned.
Dylan was on a high after beating Dragan last week, but the chess gods weren’t with him and Nigel scored a comfortable win.
David and Reg played an interesting game. David looked to have a badly blocked bishop and Reg looked to have counter play on the kingside. When I next looked back David has a might pawn on 7th rank and Reg had lost material and any semblance of attack (1-0).
Dragan and Fred have withdrawn.
Next week: Neville vs David; Carey vs Vincent; Dylan vs Russell; Reg vs Andrew; Peter vs Kevin; byes Nigel, Alastair, Charlie.
Reserves: determined on the night – all players attend.
Rapid on Saturday at Ulverstone Primary School enter by 10:45.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Robert Isted gets underway
The first round got underway on Wednesday 15 July but with several players absent games from different rounds were played.
First Grade
Kevin featured in a surprsing upset over Reg in an end game. Reg's technique is highly regarded but Kevin's advanced pawns created the edge he needed.
Dylan has come close to beating Dragan on several occassions and this time he outplayed Dragan in an end game to score the point. Carey was a piece up but with only 40 seconds left, Nigel made him work hard for the point. Andrew gratefully accepted the piece from Fred in the opening and Fred said goodnight. Neville had an edge over myslef in the opening, with the opportunity for a kingside assault, however play on the Q-side saw my black pieces better, before Neville miscalculated. At this stage current club champion Alastair Dyer hasn't been confirmed as a starter. Charlie, Vincent and Phil were absent.
Tenative draw for next week is
Kevin vs Andrew, Dragan vs Charlie, Nigle vs Dylan, Russell vs Carey, Vincent vs Neville, David vs Reg, Alastair vs Fred.
This will be a double round robin. Grazyna, Gemma, Mitchell, Cohen, Anthony and Ashton are starters - new players welcome. Cohen defeated Gemma and Anthony won over Ashton. Next week's games will be Mitchell vs Anthony, Ashton vs Cohen , Gemma bye.
Each week a club member will conduct a brief discussion or demonstration from 6:45-7:00pm to provide insight and coaching to fellow members.
First Grade
Kevin featured in a surprsing upset over Reg in an end game. Reg's technique is highly regarded but Kevin's advanced pawns created the edge he needed.
Dylan has come close to beating Dragan on several occassions and this time he outplayed Dragan in an end game to score the point. Carey was a piece up but with only 40 seconds left, Nigel made him work hard for the point. Andrew gratefully accepted the piece from Fred in the opening and Fred said goodnight. Neville had an edge over myslef in the opening, with the opportunity for a kingside assault, however play on the Q-side saw my black pieces better, before Neville miscalculated. At this stage current club champion Alastair Dyer hasn't been confirmed as a starter. Charlie, Vincent and Phil were absent.
Tenative draw for next week is
Kevin vs Andrew, Dragan vs Charlie, Nigle vs Dylan, Russell vs Carey, Vincent vs Neville, David vs Reg, Alastair vs Fred.
This will be a double round robin. Grazyna, Gemma, Mitchell, Cohen, Anthony and Ashton are starters - new players welcome. Cohen defeated Gemma and Anthony won over Ashton. Next week's games will be Mitchell vs Anthony, Ashton vs Cohen , Gemma bye.
Each week a club member will conduct a brief discussion or demonstration from 6:45-7:00pm to provide insight and coaching to fellow members.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
NW Junior chess events
Tasmanian Rapid Chess Series 2009, Round 2,
July 25 Ulverstone Primary School, Short St Ulverstone
Saturday 11am – 5pm, 5 rounds 25’ + 5”.
Other events at Ulverstone Primary 12 midday start.
· NW Primary School Team Competition, Sunday 19 July, $5/player
· NW High School Team Competition, Sunday 19 July, $5/player
· NW Individual Championships Aug 16, $10/player
July 25 Ulverstone Primary School, Short St Ulverstone
Saturday 11am – 5pm, 5 rounds 25’ + 5”.
Other events at Ulverstone Primary 12 midday start.
· NW Primary School Team Competition, Sunday 19 July, $5/player
· NW High School Team Competition, Sunday 19 July, $5/player
· NW Individual Championships Aug 16, $10/player
Robert Isted Tournament
There about three or four more weeks to go to complete the Lindsay Atkinson. Once this is finished the Robert Isted will commence. Possibly as early as Wed 8 July. Playing conditions will be 60'+10" per player; there will be two divisions - experienced and novice. Play starts at 6:45pm and will run until the end of September. Players are permitted to have a maximum of 3 absences, however priority for catching up games is given to those in medal contention.
Lindsay Atkinson
The Burnie Chess Club is currently conducting a rapid event - Lindsay Atkinson Memorial. There are 19 players ranging form novice to 1600. Rate of play 25'+5".
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